
Will Your Retirement Assets Be Seized?

You walk out to your mailbox, quickly sort through the day's mail... and then you see the familiar envelope.

It's from your broker - and inside is your latest retirement account statement.

Even though you know the news is likely to be bad, you grab a cold drink and settle into your favorite chair to pore over the numbers.

But before you have a chance to examine how much of your retirement savings disappeared in the last month, you get distracted.

It's the television - and you notice that the reporter on the evening news is talking about the latest proposal from the Obama Administration.

And just like that - all those numbers on your account statement are meaningless.

Because the United States Government, the reporter says, is on the verge of seizing your retirement assets - and taking the investment decisions out of your hands... permanently.

According to the report, the President is planning to use powers granted to him in times of crisis - like the economic crisis we're in right now - to create a special Individual Retirement Account that would force you to turn over your retirement assets and place them in the hands of the U.S. Government.

Does this sound a little too extreme? Something that could never happen in this day and age?

It's already happened - once in the U.S. a few generations ago... and more recently in Brazil and Argentina.

But here's the thing - if you take swift action now, you can safeguard your retirement assets from the U.S. Government.

This new report - which I've provided below - from my colleague Greg McCoach spells out exactly what you can do right now to protect your retirement.

Even better... Greg will also show you how you could turn a $10,000 investment into $1.23 billion - all while safeguarding your assets from the "Obama IRA" plan - by exploiting the biggest gold story to come along in the last 14 years.

I urge you - please take a moment to read Greg's report and then take appropriate action. Your retirement assets - even if they've taken a hit - are too important to leave in the hands of the U.S. Government.

It's about to get even worse.

If you're like most investors, the simple act of looking at your IRA or 401(k) statement over the past few months has been depressing enough.

But in just a few months... even thinking about what happened to your retirement account could make your blood boil!

That's because - at this very moment - the U.S. Government is considering a radical plan that could sabotage those hard-earned retirement dollars you still have socked away.

I call it the "Obama IRA" - and it could become a cold, hard reality for millions of Americans in just a matter of months.

Here's what the "Obama IRA" means to you:

ZERO control over your own retirement assets...

A "Guaranteed" rate of return that is only guaranteed to ensure you'll never make back what the market has taken from you over the past 12 months...

And a front-row seat for the inevitable collapse of the U.S. dollar... along with the financial chaos that will follow.

But listen up...

There's still - for the time being - a perfectly legal way for you to safeguard your retirement assets.

By taking this one simple step, you'll not only move your money safely out of reach of the U.S. Government... you'll also set yourself up for a potential blockbuster return of 50-to-1 or more.

In fact... this one extraordinary gold investment could turn a $10,000 investment into $1.23 million - using even the most conservative estimates.

I've written you this letter to spell out all the details - including just how the U.S. Government plans to come after your retirement dollars... and how you can protect yourself by acting quickly.

I urge you to take the next five minutes to read this important message...

How a 76-Year-Old Executive Order is Suddenly Your Biggest Financial Threat

I realize what I'm saying may be controversial...

But what follows is a news story you're very likely to see within the next eight months.

Does that "news story" sound like something from a far-fetched movie based in the future? Something so ridiculous there's no way it could ever happen in the good ole U.S. of A. that you know and love?

Here's the thing:

It already happened - back in 1933 when Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102, effectively outlawing the ownership of gold by private citizens.

In fact, much of the text from the "story" above was lifted directly from Roosevelt's Executive Order. Just substitute "gold" for "retirement assets" and you'll have the original text.

And if you think taking a step as drastic as this couldn't possibly happen in this day and age... Think again!

Brazil's government confiscated its citizens' assets in 1990 - and then introduced legislation seeking the authority to do it again as recently as 2004... and Argentina took steps to confiscate private pensions last October.

And soon... if these Guaranteed Retirement Accounts - "The Obama IRAs" - become a reality, the United States of America could do to its own citizens precisely what the Argentinian government pulled off on October 28, 2008.

Listen... at this point in our economic crisis, the United States and Argentina are more alike than you think. So you can't dismiss Argentina's move to confiscate its citizens' retirement assets as a crazy action taken by a "banana republic."

In fact - a Banana Republic is defined as a country that "typically has large wealth inequities, poor infrastructure, poor schools, a 'backward' economy, low capital spending, a reliance on foreign capital and money printing, budget deficits, and a weakening currency."

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

More than 75 years after FDR ordered all privately held gold confiscated... the U.S. government is about to do it again. They need cash. And this time -- instead of going after gold -- they're going after something worth even more: the retirement assets of every U.S. citizen.

History Is Repeating Itself Right in Front of Our Eyes

The period of economic prosperity - and excess - of the early 1920s was fueled in part by soaring real estate prices. But then - after 1925 - the real estate market went south, leaving many hardworking American families facing foreclosure.

And we all know what happened in October of 1929 - a devastating best stock market crash that produced a slew of bank failures and a crippling nationwide credit crunch. Unemployment soon skyrocketed... and our nation's economy ground to a halt.

This frightening scenario - from more than 80 years ago - is precisely what we're facing right now.

And here's what's even scarier: Our government is about to make the same mistakes - including potentially confiscating the assets of its own citizens - all in the name of "economic recovery."

I know this sounds shocking - but in the next few moments I'm going to tell you exactly how this incredible "Obama IRA" scenario has already begun to unfold... and I'll tell you what you and I can do about it.

Here's what I mean...

The U.S. Government's Next Drastic Step:Act Now and You Might Be Able to Protect Your Assets

You can see it unfolding right before your eyes...

So that's why it's so important you take action now to protect your assets.

My name is Greg McCoach, and I'm writing you this urgent letter to show you exactly what steps you need to take immediately.

Because this situation so closely resembles the period from 1929-1934, I can tell you precisely what's going to happen next. Only this time, things will happen much faster.

More importantly - because we know what will happen next, I can show you how to protect your retirement assets.

And I'll also identify the massive, short-term profit opportunities that will present themselves at every step of the way... including a potential blockbuster 50-to-1 return that I've uncovered in the eastern portion of Ontario.

Make no mistake: we are - at this very moment - living in historic times. The world around us is changing rapidly... and that presents both danger and opportunity.

Let's start with the opportunity...

I'm Greg McCoach… managing editor of the Mining Speculator and Insider Alert, and President of AmeriGold, a gold bullion dealer.

My stellar track record is one of the reasons why many of Hollywood's elite come to me to buy physical gold.

And I don't mean to brag, but - my portfolio returns are nothing short of astonishing. Check this out...

Nova Gold


American Bonanza


Canadian Zinc


Southwestern Gold


Bema Gold




How You Can Legally Protect Your Assets from the Obama IRA...  And Profit From "The Best Gold Story in the Last 14 Years"

They say that every crisis presents extraordinary opportunity.

And the prospect of seeing the Obama IRA plan come to pass has pushed me to uncover not just a way to save your retirement assets...

You can also make back everything you've lost during the current economic crisis - and then some - with one simple investment.

Here's what I mean...

Within the past few weeks, I've closely examined the potential of a Canadian-based gold and metals exploration company that presents an enormous opportunity.

To tell you that I liked what I saw would be an understatement.

That's because I've discovered that this extraordinary company has the potential to see its share price explode from 30 cents all the way to $37 in short order.

Now before you whip out your calculator, I'll do the math for you. That type of gain would turn a $10,000 investment into $1.23 million. And I have to confess - I arrived at that figure using the most conservative of estimates.

So what gives this little-known exploration company such explosive potential?

This company has staggering short-term profit potential because it's sitting on not one, but TWO potentially explosive discoveries in a region with an unmatched history of gold discovery.

The Abitibi Greenstone Belt lies on the border of Quebec and Ontario border in Canada. And over the last 100 years it has produced more than 180 million ounces of gold.

Because of this rich production history, any discovery within the Abitibi region must be taken seriously.

And what's more... the location of this company's projects is even better news. You see, they're positioned right near existing mines, and as close as three kilometers away from one "major" exploration company. Because of the location, the likelihood of a large discovery is increased... and the infrastructure is already in place to take advantage.

On top of the favorable location - and the massive potential for each of the two properties - there's also an astounding geological story behind one of this company's properties.

The company drilled three geological holes in 2008 to determine if volcanic massive sulfide was present - and the results were positive. Since that time the company has invested a ton of money drilling additional test holes - and graphite was discovered.

This is a huge positive indicator - along with the large magma chamber that was discovered - because it's located next to an aging, producing mine... one that's owned by a major and figures to be depleted in 2014.

For all intents and purposes - any new volcanic discovery of size on this property would make it nearly impossible for the neighboring major NOT to buy this company out.

Get Back What You've Lost - and Stake Your Claim in this Once-in-a-Lifetime Exploration Blockbuster!

Now as I said - I've done the math on potential buyout scenarios. And using even the most conservative figures, I'm estimating a value of roughly $37 per share... just based on what I know about the properties at this moment.

The potential exists for even greater profits - although $37 for a 30-cent best stock to buy is certainly remarkable enough!

One legendary metals investor has already called this company "The best gold story in the last 14 years." And the truth is... he may be understating the opportunity!

This investment in a relatively unknown Canadian junior exploration company would not only help safeguard your retirement assets - moving them out of the U.S. Government's reach - but it would also position you to make back everything you may have lost during the market's recent decline... and then some.

There's only one catch. This story is moving with lightning-fast speed. It's entirely possible that the next report of favorable drill results could send share prices soaring... and at that point it will be too late.

So it's important for you to stake your claim in this potential blockbuster right away... not only to rake in the enormous profits - but also to protect yourself from the coming disaster.

I'll tell you how you can find out the name of this company - and all the relevant details - in just a moment.

But for now... I need to tell you more about that very real - and immediate - danger we're facing...

Coming Soon: The Obama IRA...Here's Why Your Retirement Assets Are at Risk

On October 7, 2008 - at a committee meeting held at the U.S. House of Representatives - an idea was floated that would eliminate tax breaks for 401(k)s and other retirement accounts...

But the idea didn't stop there.

The idea - presented by economics professor Teresa Ghilarducci - also included a suggestion that the government actually confiscate 401(k), IRA and other retirement accounts and convert them into something called "Guaranteed Savings Accounts."

These Guaranteed Savings Accounts - something I refer to as "Obama IRAs" - would take away your ability to manage your own retirement account. Instead, you would simply be paid a fixed return of three percent per year.

No more... no less. And absolutely no freedom whatsoever.

Now... the initial press coverage of this hearing was sparse. And what little attention was paid to the ideas floated that day was ultimately clouded by "political agendas" and the usual Washington finger-pointing.

I'll be honest - I couldn't care less about the politics of it all.

And I have no idea if a suggestion as radical as the total confiscation of all retirement assets belonging to every U.S. citizen would ever hold up - although, astoundingly, the New York Times listed Ghilarducci's proposal as one of its "Ideas of the Year" for 2008.

But then again... it happened right here in the U.S. back in 1933 - and it happened in Argentina just a few months ago!

So that's why I get more than a little nervous when I hear about trial balloons like the Obama IRA being floated in Washington.

In highly volatile environments - like we're in right now - things can go from looking good to sheer panic at the drop of a hat.

The Fed is working feverishly at the moment to avoid deflationary panic, but their only solution is to throw money, lots of money at the problem.

So let's assume that the U.S. Government continues its out-of-control spending - billions of dollars at a time - in the name of "bailouts" and "economic stimulus."

Those actions alone are enough to destroy the U.S. Dollar in due time.

But once the Government takes that next step - and moves toward either eliminating 401k and IRA tax benefits... or goes all-out in an attempt to claim the retirement assets of every U.S. citizen...

That will trigger an immediate - and disastrous - collapse of the U.S. Dollar.

Within a matter of days, the foreign central banks who have gobbled up U.S. debt will realize just how desperate the U.S. Government has become... and panic will set in.

The rush to gold is going to be incredible as this happens. While the world at the moment is still seeking safety in paper fiat currencies, there is only one alternative left to the U.S. Dollar as it fails...

And that alternative is GOLD!

Author David Hale said it best in the Financial Times just a few weeks ago...

"The clear alternative to the dollar in 2009 is not other currencies but that ancient form of money: gold. Precious metals could emerge as a hedge for investors suspicious of central banks and fearful that inflation will be the simplest solution to the challenge of global deleveraging."

The parallels between our current economic crisis and the scenario that unfolded in the late 1920s and 1930s are obvious. And it seems clear that another Great Depression is unavoidable.

Making matters worse is the fact that the politicians in charge today are essentially the same as the "New Deal" crowd of the 1930s - and their political majority means they can't be stopped.

So what are we left with?

The trial balloons for "Obama IRAs" - or "Guaranteed Retirement Accounts" - has already been floated. That means the wheels are already in motion, as the U.S. Government is now following the disastrous blueprint that was created over seven decades ago!

The inevitable destruction of the U.S. Dollar is going to cause major problems here in the U.S. and worldwide. The time to prepare is quickly coming to a close.

And at the same time - for those of us who are prepared - the potential exists for staggering upside potential as precious metals stampede higher.

Time is of the essence - so let's talk about the OPPORTUNITY we need to prepare for starting right now.

How You Can Claim Your Share of 50-to-1 Returns As Part of an Unprecedented Profit Opportunity

I've been recommending - to my Mining Speculator readers and in every media interview I give - that you begin accumulating precious metals top stocks to buy immediately.

Precious metals are the best recession-proof, anti-inflation investment vehicle available to you. Period.

And I wouldn't say this if I weren't heavily invested in precious metals top stocks for 2010 myself.

But here's the thing...

I'm not writing you today to talk about any "ordinary" precious metals best stocks of 2010.

You see - we're in the middle of a once-in-a-lifetime global economic crisis. And we're seeing historic changes to our financial system on what seems like a daily basis... with more staggering changes yet to come.

It's in times like these that historic profits are made by those who know where to look.

This is the time when fortunes are built.

And that's just what I intend to help you do.

So like I said... I'm not talking about investing in an assortment of precious metals best stocks to buy that some analyst spotted on his computer screen in the middle of an office somewhere in New York.

Instead, I'm talking about investing in top stocks to buy with 50-to-1 return potential - regardless of how the overall market does - right alongside the analyst who has personally inspected the property of each recommendation... carefully evaluated its management... and felt so strongly about the play that he sunk his own money into it.

You see... I'm talking about having you invest along with me... by getting in on the hot stocks to buy in my own personal portfolio.

Let me explain how it all works...

A Second Chance at Profit Opportunities You Won't Find Anywhere Else on the Planet

If you've followed my Mining Speculator recommendations at all then you know about the kind of explosive returns my picks can deliver on a regular basis.

If you were with me from the beginning, you'd be enjoying...

1,400% gains from American Bonanza

1,316% from Guyana Goldfields

1,200% gains from Canadian Zinc

1,803% gains from Nova Gold

And 7,060% gains from a little-known copper and platinum company

But those are just a handful of the winners my readers and I have brought home.

And as impressive as those gains are... the potential for profits with my own best stock portfolio is even greater.

And now I'm inviting you to join me in this astounding profit potential.

Here's what it's all about...

Just over one year ago, my publisher and I put together an exciting new service that allowed investors like you access to the companies in my personal portfolio.

We offered this access to my readers - and as you can imagine, the demand was staggering.

We haven't offered new memberships in this group - which we call the Greg McCoach Insider Alert - for more than 12 months.

But - starting today - I'm re-opening the doors for a limited time to let a select few investors claim the few spots we have remaining.

Now... the top stocks to buy for 2010 I recommend as part of the Insider Alert are too small for me to recommend them in the Mining Speculator. But in spite of their size... their rewards far outweigh their risk.

You see... not a single stock makes its way into my personal portfolio without having the potential for 50-to-1 returns.

And now you can get your hands on the complete list of every single stock I own.

Not only are these the best stocks to buy that pull in higher gains than you'll find in the Mining Speculator - or any other advisory service for that matter - they're also the ones safe enough for me to personally trust my money with.

And what's more - you can get immediate access to all of the best stocks to buy in my personal portfolio just as we're standing on the verge of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for explosive profits in precious metal best stocks to buy.

The Obama IRA Program - and the shocking collapse in both the U.S. Dollar and our global financial systems - presents you with the chance to invest in the "cream of the crop" when it comes to metals investments... at the single greatest moment to invest in our lifetime.

And here's one of the ways we'll seize that moment...

The Small, Canadian Company I Just Added to My Portfolio Could Easily Launch from 30 Cents a Share to over $37!

Before I tell you about my latest Insider Alert recommendation, I must warn you:

This one is - at least for now - too small to fit into my Mining Speculator. In other words, it's far from your "typical" opportunity.

Instead, it's more like the type of investment typically reserved for those few "insiders" who have devoted a lifetime to researching potentially explosive natural resource plays.

But that's all changed for you with this letter - now you have the opportunity to cash in on top stocks to buy like this one that are poised to launch sky-high.

This Canadian metals exploration company has a lot going for it... starting with the location of its properties.

I've found that one of the best places to look for the next big discovery is in areas where big discoveries have already been made.

And this company's property is in such a place - Canada's Abitibi Greenstone Belt.

I toured this area last year and made it a priority place to look because of all the infrastructure and existing mining activity that I saw.

The company I've just added to my personal portfolio has 100% ownership of TWO projects in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt with enormous potential.

How enormous?

One of the company's properties is located just a few kilometers away from a "monster" mine owned by another company... one that has a value approaching $28 billion at today's prices.

Using conservative estimates, the potential for my new recommendation's property is roughly $11.2 billion... which, when you divide by the number of shares outstanding gives you a per-share price of $149.

And even if we are more pessimistic and assume continued global economic weakness... and the 90% discount that a major would be willing to pay for this company's deposit - we're still talking about a per-share estimate of over $37.

Not bad for a stock that was trading for $0.30 at the time of this writing.

After all, a $10,000 investment would turn into $1.23 million - truly a once-in-a-lifetime return!

But that's just one of a handful of 2010 best stocks in my own personal portfolio right now that have the potential for returns of 50-to-1 or more.

The Simple, Risk-FREE Step You Can Take - Today - to Claim Your Share of My Next 50-to-1 Winner

"I have been following Greg's recommendations in the junior mining sector for the past five years. At first I just watched, but eventually after seeing so many of his recommended top stocks 2010 appreciate by multiples, I began putting my own money into his top picks. That was three and a half years ago. My portfolio is now worth many, many times what I originally invested. I have never made this kind of money with my investments. He could charge thousands of dollars for the information he provides. I recommend him to all of my friends, family and associates."
-- Jim M.

As I mentioned earlier, the response to our initial offer for memberships in the Insider Alert was overwhelming.

And as a result, we haven't offered new memberships in this group for more than 12 months.

But - starting today - I'm re-opening the doors for a limited time to let a select few investors claim the few spots we have remaining.

Now... I have to tell you - to get access to the kind of information you'll receive in the Insider Alert, you'd likely have to pay a minimum of $10,000 per year anywhere else.

And that's only if you can find someone willing to do the research... visit the mine sites... kick the tires... and deliver only those companies with the potential for 50-to-1 gains or better.

That's why we offered the Insider Alert a bit higher than my other services - at a retail price of $3,000 per year.

But listen... that $3,000 investment is truly just a drop in the bucket when you consider that you could ring the cash register with returns of $10,000 or more from just a single Insider Alert trade.

And even though I consider that $3,000 to be an absolute steal...

I'm not even going to come close to charging you that much.

Instead, my publisher and I are offering the limited number of Insider Alert reservations we have left for just $1,995 per year.

Now let me be clear - we only have a few spots left. And at a discounted rate of just $1,995 I fully expect those remaining spots to sell out in short order.

So it's absolutely critical that you ACT NOW in order to claim your spot. After all...

We've set a strict limit on Insider Alert memberships - no more than 500 investors will be allowed to participate at any one time.

The response to our initial offering of Insider Alert memberships was so overwhelming that we haven't been able to open our doors again for more than 12 months... until today!

And at a discounted rate of just $1,995 - more than $1,000 off the retail price - our few remaining spots are sure to disappear quickly.

And what's more - I'll give you a full 30 days to examine my research and investment philosophy. If you decide my Insider Alert isn't right for you... just let me know within 30 days and I'll refund every last penny of your subscription price.

Remember... the profit potential here is off the charts.

Consider this - just $10,000 invested in the average Mining Speculator play each year since 2001 would already break $2,956,466.55 today.

But compared to the potential in my personal portfolio... that's nothing.

One last thing...

I realize that even a discounted rate of $1,995 might be more than you want to plunk down all at once in today's economy.

That's why I'm also offering a quarterly billing program. If you choose that method, you'll be charged $499 every three months.

So let's get started.

The Obama IRA program - and the financial chaos that will follow - is guaranteed to present a number of challenges for investors all over the globe. But for you and I - it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build wealth.

"When I first met you, you told me I could use the profits I would make in the junior mining top stocks of 2010 to pay off my house. I didn't really believe you. Two and a half years later I wrote a check to do just that. I never thought this would be possible. Thank you so much for your wise guidance."
-- Robert C., longtime subscriber

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