
Make Top Stocks Investment Pay You Instant Cash

Here's $500.

If you can use it properly, it can change your life and your fortunes, for good.

I'll be honest — most market pros think you're either too lazy or don't know enough to even attempt the "trick" I'm about to reveal…

They might be right. But I'm betting they're dead wrong…

Because in the report that follows, you'll learn how to use your $500 to harness the most lucrative market "trick" in existence.

Please read on… If you want your $500, you must act today. What you're about to see expires promptly at midnight on May 5…

The offer I'm about to make will only last a few days, so I'll cut right to the point.

I'll give you $500 — if I hear from you by Midnight, Tuesday, May 5.

You could take your $500 and turn it into an almost infinite amount of income.

By using the best-kept and most lucrative secret about top stocks.

And the "pros", well, they don't think you're smart enough to use it.

Today, you'll have a chance to prove those guys wrong… because not only will I give you $500 that you could use to try their "trick" for yourself, I'll also teach you exactly how it works so you can use it yourself.

I'll explain how you can collect this $500 in just a minute.

See, I've worked for over 25 years to perfect what I'm about to show you…

And you won't believe how easy this "trick" really is. It's so simple…

Accept this $500 from me right now, and it could put you on a path to incredible gains.

Gains that could change your life — because the amount of income this "trick" can produce — it'll shock you…

Here's how it works…

Use This Simple "Trick" to Make Top Stocks Pay You Instant Cash

I call it "The Infinite ATM".

In a nutshell, the "Infinite ATM" is an incredibly lucrative (and totally legal) way to make hot stocks pay you.

And using the $500 I want to give you today , you could make the "Infinite ATM" pay you instant cash.

Instant cash. Cash that's deposited right into your account.

See, you can make "The Infinite ATM" pay you for top stocks you own.

You can also make it pay you for new hot stocks the second you buy them.

Plus, I'll show you how you can make "The Infinite ATM" pay you cash on just about any stock you ever buy in the future…

Confused? Wondering how something so lucrative has missed your eye for all these years?

I'll explain everything in just a moment…

First, here's the bottom line — "The Infinite ATM" is the most powerful tool in the market.

And today I'm going to show you how to use it. To make thousands — repeatedly.

Yes, "The Infinite ATM" can pay you thousands of dollars of instant income — OVER AND OVER AGAIN…

Know this too — income coming from the "Infinite ATM" has nothing to do with dividends. The "Infinite ATM" is far better than dividends.

But I still haven't mentioned the best part!

How much you get paid is entirely up to you.

You want $10,000? Take it. You want $25,000? Take that too.

You decide.

It's fast and easy income. And the "Infinite ATM" lets you make as much as you choose.

I wasn't kidding when I said INSTANT CASH.

Here's why…


It's simple.        

Not only do you choose how much you get paid each time you use the "Infinite ATM", taking money from it doesn't harm your shares in any way.

You still own them. Safe and sound.

Plus, the "Infinite ATM" is repeatable.

That's where the "infinite" part comes from. You can play it on stocks you might already own and new stocks you buy — over and over again.

Take money one month. Take more money the next month.

Time after time, instant cash gets safely deposited into your account.

Not only could you use this "trick" TODAY… I'll show you how to use it for any stock you might ever buy!

In fact, all I have to do is hear from you before Midnight, Tuesday, May 5 and I'll even give you $500 that you could use toward your own "Infinite ATM"!

More on that in just a moment, but first…

Here's a real-life example of the "Infinite ATM" working its magic…

The "Infinite ATM" at Work: Use Boeing to Fly Away With Instant Cash…

As you know, Boeing makes airplanes. They've been around for decades. Great company.

Here's how the "Infinite ATM" can pay you instant income if you own Boeing.

Let's say you own 2,000 shares.

The "Infinite ATM" could have cut you a check for $4,800.

Or $9,220.

Best part is, in time, you could make your "Infinite ATM" pay cash from Boeing — again. 

And again.

If you own Boeing, you could use the "Infinite ATM" to take money from it now.

And again in a few months.

Best part is, no matter how much you decide to "withdraw" from the "Infinite ATM," your "withdrawals" will not lessen the value of your Boeing shares!

Now, you don't have to own Boeing, of course.

Almost any stock is eligible for "Infinite ATM" payouts. You can use the "trick" I'll show you with almost any stock to GET PAID TODAY!

Here's another example of the "Infinite ATM" at work…

"Infinite ATM" Loots GOOGLE For an Instant $10,350 –– YOU CHOOSE WHEN TO GET PAID

Google the search engine giant. They darn near control the Internet.

You already know how big and strong this company is.

If you own Google… the "Infinite ATM" can pay you… today. Here's how…

Let's say you own 500 shares of Google…

The "Infinite ATM" can cut you a check… today… for $10,350.

Or $17,000.

It's up to you. It would take about three minutes on the phone, or a few mouse clicks.

Again — you don't need to own Google to do this… you can make the "Infinite ATM" pay with just about any stock under the sun.

I hope you're starting to see…

You can command the "Infinite ATM" to pay you.

Again and again and again. Safe, reliable income.

Simple checks for $10,350. For $17,000. For whatever you want…

Turning your shares into effortless, piles-up-while-you-sleep cash.

Here's even another example of the "Infinite ATM" working it's magic…


Pfizer makes drugs. Lots of different drugs.

And Pfizer trades at only $14 a share. Cheap price for all that life-saving upside.

Maybe you own 3,000 shares…

If so, you could take $3,990 in "Infinite ATM" cash in just minutes.

The "Infinite ATM" would cut the check.

It'd be there — safely in your account — in just a few mouse clicks.

Better yet… you'd still own Pfizer shares.

When it shot back toward $20, $40, $60… where it sat for years, you'd be there to claim even more profit. Profit that's over and above the "Infinite ATM" income you already collected!

More on that idea in just a minute…

First, let me re-cap some of these amazing "Infinite ATM" gains you can start collecting today… with stocks you might already own.

Plus — I'll answer your BURNING QUESTION…. What if I don't already own Boeing, Google, or Pfizer — or any stock at all — does the "Infinite ATM" still work for me?

You bet it does — and I'll even give you $500 today, right now, to try it out! But to get your free $500 — you must respond by Midnight, Tuesday, May 5.

I'll give you all the details in just a second…

First — the easy cash re-cap — check this out….

Imagine Taking Your Free $500 and Using It to Help Rake in Income Like This…

The "Infinite ATM" can pay you income to own stocks. Easily. Safely. Quickly.

The "Infinite ATM" is like a cash machine just waiting to pay you instant, effortless and repeat income.

You could set it up to pay you cash straight to your account using stocks you already own.

You could use the "Infinite ATM" several times a year on the same stocks, if you choose.

You could use the "Infinite ATM" on many stocks in your portfolio at the same time.

Think about it. Think about the money. The extra cash. The easy income.

Just thrown off from the "Infinite ATM" — and dropped right into your secure account.

Think of what that could do. SAFE, easy income.

Safe, Effortless Income From the "Infinite ATM"

Imagine it for a moment…

No more worrying about your retirement money running out.

No more fretting over unexpected bills or if you'll ever have to depend on someone else.

Because the "Infinite ATM" is a way to make stocks work for you…

Safely — reliably — over and over again. Income dropped right in your account…

It's easy. It's fast. It's a total breeze to set up.

And you can use the "Infinite ATM" on all kinds of stocks… not just giants like Boeing, Google and Pfizer.

In fact, you can probably use it on pretty much any stock you can think of.

I'll show you how in a minute. Because I want you to have a report I just finished — How the "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Stocks, Over and Over Again.

I'll tell you how to get it — risk-free — in just a moment. And I'll even tell you how you can get $500 that you could use toward your own "Infinite ATM"!

So you can decide for yourself if what I'm offering is for you…

But I have to say right now — if you're interested, you must respond right now.

Some lucky folks who follow my lead have already had the opportunity to use the "Infinite ATM" to rake in $5,020…

I'll tell you everything in just a moment… including how — if you respond before Midnight, Tuesday, May 5 — you can get $500 that you could use toward your own "Infinite ATM" income!

First, I've got something really cool I want to share with you.

Wait until you see this mega-benefit to using the "Infinite ATM."


Like I said, the "Infinite ATM" pays out on all kinds of stocks.

The income can pile up FAST. Really fast…

You could make a simple move on Monday with Coca-Cola and grab $2,600. Same deal on Tuesday with The Home Depot and you'd rake in $1,980.

Wednesday's move would use computer company HP — and be worth an easy $3,000.

That's a total of $7,580 — making three famous stocks pay you cash for holding shares.

I know, three days of plays is too slow — I bet you want to GET PAID TODAY.

Easy! You could use the "Infinite ATM" to make all three moves before lunch.

And the "Infinite ATM" would automatically pay you $7,580 in safe income.

$7,580. Straight away. Right into your account. No baloney.

Here's another way to look at it…

Big money. Fast.

The "Infinite ATM" doesn't sleep. It never takes a day off.

All it does is deliver easy cash income to your account. As often as you'd like.

Boeing… Google… Pfizer… Coca-Cola… The Home Depot… HP Computer…

You name the stock — the "Infinite ATM" probably has it over a barrel.

You can make big, behemoth stocks like these work for you…

Now here's the clincher…

If you think the "Infinite ATM" dominates individual big stocks… well, it gets better.

The "Infinite ATM" — You Can Use It to Target Single Stocks, Or Plop Sector-Specific Income in Your Account — You Get to Choose

If you own a bunch of Pfizer, you can easily use the "Infinite ATM" to rake in fast cash.

But maybe you don't own any major pharma players.

Let's say you're heavy into… oh, let's say… oil companies.

Maybe you hold Exxon, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips — three of the biggest oil companies out there.

With just a few clicks of your mouse — you can take $5,200 out of Exxon, $4,680 from Chevron, and $3,600 from ConocoPhillips stock.

That's a total of $13,480… effortless income. Right to your account.

In one industry.

In five minutes or less. Just by holding the stock. Bing, bam, boom. You're paid.

By now I bet I know what you're thinking…

Why hasn't anyone ever told me about the "Infinite ATM" before today?

Because folks "in the know" don't think you're smart enough to do it… they think you don't have the sophistication or the "guts" to take advantage of the "Infinite ATM."

And, obviously, if everyone knew the sheer size of the "Infinite ATM" payouts available… everyone would do it.

Some of those people would do it wrong.

That would screw things up for the people who use the "Infinite ATM" the right way — and rake in effortless income, over and over again.

But I'm telling you about it right now… and things'll never be the same.

Because you're minutes away from using the "Infinite ATM" THE RIGHT WAY — to order stocks to pay you straight cash income. 

Fast. Reliable.

I'll teach you the "trick" to using "The Infinite ATM" the right way.

So you can use it over and over. All throughout your existing portfolio.

I'll show you everything.

And give you $500 — right now — that you could even use toward setting up your own. I'll explain how you can get that $500 in a moment.

Of course, I can only do this if you reply to my offer by Midnight, Tuesday, May 5.

Because at that very moment — I must shut down my offer of $500 to every person who wants it. I'll tell you why in just a second…

Just let me hear from you before Midnight on Tuesday, May 5, and I'll immediately send you my new report I just finished: How The "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Stocks, Over and Over Again.

This report will break the whole game wide open.

It'll show you everything.

In fact, it's high time I showed you something right now.

My story. And explained why I'm writing today…

Hello, My Name Is Wayne Burritt, and I Use the "Infinite ATM" Every Single Day

Years ago, I worked as a portfolio manager for Pan-American Financial.

I was part of a two-man team who personally controlled over $22 million in assets.

I used every investment vehicle out there to deliver gains for my clients.

From stocks to options to bonds… I used them all.

Before that, I worked for Barnett Bank — which at the time had over $735 million in total assets.

My job there was interesting — to say the least.

I worked hand-in-hand with both the Board of Directors, and individual clients.

Here's what I learned.

You, me, the CEO, the CEO's limo driver — we all want the same thing.

To get paid.

That's why we work hard. That's why we put in long hours. That's why we sacrifice so our families can someday have it better than we did.

We want to get paid.

And through the course of 25 years in finance, from my time at Pan-American and Barnett Bank to today — if I've come to believe one thing above all, it's this:

Show people how to get paid and they'll thank you for it. And reward you handsomely.

Today, for example, I run an investment research service called Income On Demand.

Like its name says, I help people rake in safe, reliable income on demand.


With the "Infinite ATM." The "Infinite ATM" is the best INCOME GENERATOR I've ever seen.

It can pay you safe, effortless income over and over again. And you get to take as much as you choose.

And I can help you start raking in the fast, easy income — today — right now.

Because the "Infinite ATM" trades I recommend to my Income on Demand readers — honestly — they'll knock your socks off. That's how much easy cash is out there…

In fact, some of my readers recently used the "Infinite ATM" to collect up to $5,020. In one easy step…

I can show you how. I want to show you how. How to make automatic cash. Today.

See, I recently told my publisher I wanted to give anyone who wants to try "The Infinite ATM" $500 that they could use toward starting their own, if they want to.

My publisher flipped. Then I showed him just how much easy cash there is for the taking, and how little you actually need to get started.

After that, my offer of $500 that could get anyone started — it began to make sense. I'll explain how you can get your own $500 in a minute.

But he put me on a strict deadline. Absolutely no more $500 offers after Midnight, Tuesday, May 5.

I agreed to his demand. It's why I'm writing you today with such great urgency…

Because you really do need to see how "The Infinite ATM" works for yourself. See all this money out there for the taking…

It all starts when you give me the go-ahead and let me send to you my report: How The "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Stocks, Over and Over Again.

Now here's the scoop…

SNEAK PEEK: Deep Inside the "Infinite ATM"…

You can use the "Infinite ATM" if you already own the stock… like with the examples I've shown. In fact…

YOU could take thousands in instant income from just about any stock you might own…

Now here's a recap — this is the list of the stocks you've already seen. You can start taking cash out of companies just like these…

In a second, I'll also show you how you can also put the "Infinite ATM" to work on stocks you don't already own.

It's your BURNING QUESTION… remember?

First — the list of what we've seen so far… the sheer amount of income might shock you.

Stand Clear — "INFINITE ATM" At Work Here:

$51,270 in easy, fast cash.

Taken right from these companies and dropped straight in your account.

Safe, lucrative, repeatable.

Over and over again.

Each time you put the "Infinite ATM" to work, you can choose your level of "withdrawal."

It all depends on how much you feel like making.

Now let's get back to business… and get you closer to your $500 and the start of your own "Infinite ATM."

So far, I've covered how the "Infinite ATM" works when you own the stock already.

Now it's time to address your BURNING QUESTION — Can the "Infinite ATM" work for me if I don't already own the stocks?

YES — Yes it can. It can indeed.

Here's how…

The "Infinite ATM" Works if You Own the Stock PLUS It Works if You Don't Own the Stock Yet

Here's the best part yet.

You can actually trade the "Infinite ATM" — as part of a ONE/TWO punch.

And make fat gains in minutes. It works like this:

You can set up the "Infinite ATM" to pay you immediately upon buying stocks.

Good stocks, I'm talking.

Stocks you want to own anyway. No crapper stocks market here.

I trade the "Infinite ATM" on stocks like the ones I've shown — with those examples of Exxon and Home Depot and Pfizer…

In fact, some of my Income on Demand readers recently had the chance to take up to $5,020 from the "Infinite ATM" with one simple play I recommended…

Think about that. Over $5,000. Simply, safely, and instantly dropped right in your account.

Now here's an example of how it works when you don't already own the best stock.

How to Play the "Infinite ATM" For Huge Gains, Over and Over Again

On the afternoon of Wednesday, March 25, 2009 — you could grab 100 shares of Alcoa — the aluminum titan — for just $796.

At the same moment, the "Infinite ATM" would've paid you $250.

Not paid you as in gave you a discount.

But paid you as in dropped an instant check into your account.

By itself, that's an attractive setup. Forget the cash money for a second…

Get a great company — and get cash dropped right back into your account in the form of an "Infinite ATM" check…

Imagine doing that over and over — with a whole host of stocks you buy.

Imagine the potential.

The cash. The cold reality of all that potential income…

The effortless money. And that's only half the story…

Because along the way, you'd also be raking in shares of the best companies around…

IT'S EASY CASH FOR YOU. Now here's how it all comes together…

The "Infinite ATM" — A Win/Win For You

In How The "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Stocks, Over and Over Again — I lay out all the scenarios.

How to use the "Infinite ATM" on stocks you might own. And get paid.

How to use it on best stocks the moment you buy them. To get paid.

And how to use it on just about any stock investment you might ever buy in the future. To get paid.

And remember… I've shown over $51,000 in effortless, instant "Infinite ATM" examples to you today…

That's just scratching the surface of the huge amounts of cash out there waiting for you!

I explain it all in How The "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Best Stocks, Over and Over Again.

Let's wrap up — just so we're both clear here on the "Infinite ATM" and what it can do.

You can use the "Infinite ATM" to make top stocks you already own pay you money.

You can use the "Infinite ATM" on top stocks you just bought — forcing them to pay you instant money.

Plus, once you learn how it works — you can use the "Infinite ATM" on just about any stock investment you ever buy in the future!

The income potential is UNLIMITED.

Safe, reliable income. Over and over again.

For as long as you feel like taking it.

AND REMEMBER — Each time you use the "Infinite ATM" — you get to choose your level of "withdrawal".

You're in total control!

Because the "Infinite ATM" pays you easy income you get to keep, no matter what.

It's time to put the "Infinite ATM" to work for yourself… and to claim your $500. I'll explain how below.

But remember — I can only give you $500, which you could even use toward your own "Infinite ATM," if I hear from you before Midnight, Tuesday, May 5!

One more thing…

The Bottom Line — The "Infinite ATM" Can Make You Rich, Starting RIGHT NOW

How The "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Hot Stocks, Over and Over Again — the free report I want to send you — will show you how to play the "Infinite ATM" on hot stocks you already own… if you want to do so.

Plus, it will tell you how I play the "Infinite ATM" for huge gains, over and over.

But one report — valuable as it is — that's not all you get.

Because not only do I play the "Infinite ATM" every single day…

I play it to give my readers the chance to take huge amounts of cash out of top stocks. Remember — some of my readers recently had the opportunity to take $5,020.

I also have moves open right now that could have made readers up to $1,070 and $2,710 — instantly. With no work or fuss. Just straight-up easy "Infinite ATM" cash.

Yes, my research service, Income on Demand… it's a cash machine.

With each alert I send out — folks just like you have the chance to rake in easy cash.

I want you to start receiving my "Infinite ATM" plays.

I want you to have the chance to start raking in your own cash… right now.

Here's everything you receive, as soon as you join me at Income on Demand…

A Full Year of Monthly Income On Demand Issues: Guaranteed to have at least one new "Infinite ATM" play. I'll also cover all our current recommended positions, tell you what the market's up to… tell you everything.

Weekly Profit Alerts: In one short, direct email I'll review all our current "Infinite ATM" recommended positions — plus tell you what to expect in the coming week.

Urgent Action Alerts: If it's time to snag more "Infinite ATM" gains and it just can't wait until my next Issue or Weekly Profit Alert, I'll fire off a quick email telling you exactly what to do to get in position for "Infinite ATM" cash.

FREE REPORT: How the "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Top Stocks, Over and Over Again — where I'll break down both scenarios for you. First, how to play the "Infinite ATM" on top stocks you already own. And second, how I search for the best "Infinite ATM" trades to recommend to you each month.

PLUS — FREE, YOUR-EYES-ONLY Website Access: As soon as you join Income on Demand, you'll receive a unique, reserved just for you ID and Password to access the limited-membership Income on Demand website. At the site you can read the issues, the alerts, the wrap-ups, check out the reports and print them… follow along with the portfolio… everything. It's your personal home base for the "Infinite ATM."

FREE Cash-Grabber Status For All Future Reports: If a particular group of top stocks looks like a great place to rake in consistent "Infinite ATM" gains, I'll write another new report about them all.

Rather than weighing down one of my quick-hit alerts, I'll just send you the new report. In short, you'll never miss new info. It's an extra level of protection and security for you.


FREE BONUS REPORT: FOUR WAYS TO COLLECT $5,185: Where you'll learn four simple moves you can take to put $5,185 in your pocket today. It's honest-to-goodness "Infinite ATM" potential — FREE. Just for giving Income on Demand a risk-free test-drive.

There you have it. The profit-packed issues. The weekly wrap-ups. The urgent gain-taking alerts. The free report — How The "Infinite ATM" Pays You To Own Top Stocks, Over and Over Again… PLUS… The exclusive "home base" website access…

Plus… Free cash-grabber status on all future reports…

Plus the FREE bonus report FOUR WAYS TO COLLECT $5,185… it's all yours the moment you join me at Income on Demand.

And it all starts the moment you join…

Give Income on Demand a Risk-Free Test Drive Today — At $500 Off the Normal Price…

Remember that Google play — and how you could use the "Infinite ATM" to make Google pay you $10,350 or $17,000 — instantly…

That's just one play. That's a few mouse clicks.

And up to five-figures in the bank. In your account. Free to use as you darn well choose.

So with potential like that, it's no wonder other guys think they can get away with charging $5,000 or more per year to access "Infinite ATM" strategies.

As you just saw, $5,000 is less than half of what just one move could immediately plop in your account using the "Infinite ATM."

$5,000 is peanuts. $5,000 is a steal.

I don't charge $5,000, however, for people to follow my recommendations for a chance to make huge money easily with the "Infinite ATM." I couldn't sleep at night if I charged so much.

I don't even charge $3,000. Or $2,500.

Just $1,495 gets you a full year of "Infinite ATM" recommendations from Income on Demand.

It gets you all the alerts, the issues, the reports… everything.

But for you, I can do a lot better. Because I want you to get your own "Infinite ATM."

So You Could Start Your Own "Infinite ATM" Income Stream RISK- FREE

For you, today, right now — if I hear from you by Midnight, Tuesday, May 5 — a full year of Income On Demand is yours for just $995. That's a $500 discount off the cover price!

Plus — you have 60 full days to decide if Income on Demand is right for you.

That's right — you have 60 days, two full months, to read my issues, play my picks, give my service a full test-drive.

If you're not totally happy — if you don't have a chance to rake in "Infinite ATM" income hand over fist — you can call right up until midnight on your 60th day and get all your money back.

Fully protected for two full months.

In that time, I expect you to have had the chance to re-pay for your membership four or six times over!

That's my guarantee. Give me a try. You won't be sorry.

I can say that because I'm certain you won't cancel. Ever.

Not with the huge "Infinite ATM" income you could soon be raking in.

Heck, you could easily be raking in cash in the next 10 minutes.

It's that easy. I can't wait to have you on board.


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