
How To Buy Best Stocks For Long?

Bull! Bull! Bull! Nobody's talking about the REAL THREAT to your wealth right now. Yet one avoidable misstep could cost you thousands... even millions in lost profits over the next 5-10 years

Enough already!

Every time you turn around, the media pumps out another hysterical headline or doomsday prediction.

Yet nobody's got the guts to tell you about the REAL THREAT facing us right now.

That's why...

Dollar for dollar, it's 10 times deadlier than the nastiest market crash any forecaster can predict...

And could wreak more havoc on your personal net worth than the worst bank crisis or "bear market" imaginable.

More than ever, we MUST get our heads straight and keep this threat front and dead center. You probably know what it is...

But you may not realize that overcoming this threat may be our last chance to flip the ugliest, most stressful market in our lifetimes on its head -- setting us up for years of wealth-building gains.

How much worse can it possibly get?

Before the latest "bounce," most investors seemed to think much, much worse.

The New York Times reports that the Conference Board's consumer expectation index recently hit its second-lowest level ever.

"The amount of optimism that things will get better is as low  as it has been in the four decades that the Conference Board has been asking questions."
                               -- The New York Times

Even worse -- a staggering 70% of respondents said they expected the market to continue its slide in the coming year. Only six times in the history of the Conference Board's survey have investors been so uniformly down on the market.

And that's no surprise really, given the never-ending stream of negativity blaring from our televisions and spewing out of Washington.

So, just how much worse did the market get for U.S. investors in the years following those past moments of extreme market pessimism?

The answer may shock -- even anger -- you.

Before I lay out the hard-and-fast numbers... along with what I think you'll agree is a reasoned plan of action for right now... let's consider how we got to this moment of extreme despair in the first place.

An unprecedented crisis... of confidence

By that, I don't mean to imply that the damage inflicted on the credit markets and the resulting blow to the broader global economy are imagined. They are real.

So, too, are the devastating hits that even prudent U.S. investors have taken to their personal net worths over the past 18 months. Me included. I won't lie to you...

I underestimated the severity and duration of the U.S. financial crisis and ensuing stock market sell-off. On paper, at least, I paid a stiff price. Even worse...

My confidence in U.S. stocks was severely tested. And because of that, I almost made a tragic mistake. In short, I was afraid. As I imagine you may be, too.

Truth be told, it took some stern words -- from the lips of three of the world's most successful investors -- to set me straight. For this I owe a sincere debt of gratitude I'd like to pay forward to you right now.

In return, I ask simply that you repeat after me: "What's done is done." Please, indulge me this once. Say it out loud, What's done is done.

All that matters now is what we do now. It can mean the difference between looking back on this historic moment in anguish -- and seizing the once-in-a-generation opportunity standing before us.

Are you with me? Great!

"People say they're afraid of a stock market crash.
Well, we've already had a crash. Look at the numbers."

Those are the words of Peter Lynch, legendary former manager of Fidelity Magellan Fund. Lynch, you may recall, earned his shareholders life-changing returns of 29% per year over more than a decade running Fidelity Magellan.

Returns like that essentially double your money every 2.5 years. So you'll forgive Lynch for coming off a bit glib when he declares that stock market bargains are so plentiful now, "you feel like a mosquito in a nudist colony."

And by no means should we underestimate the urgency and wisdom of what Lynch is telling us. Namely, that a market crash is NOT the REAL THREAT to our wealth right now.

Peter Lynch is one of the three investors I mentioned earlier whose words got me through my own crisis of confidence. The others are John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, and none other than Warren Buffett, arguably the most successful investor in history.

Not surprisingly, both gentlemen agree that "a market crash" is not our real concern. And that there's a more insidious threat on the horizon. I know in my heart they are right. To explain why, let me share with you a bit of my personal history.

In 1987 I was a young buck just out of college

As the storm clouds gathered that summer, I was busy running numbers and making client calls for a successful financial planner.

My boss had a PhD and a lobby full of modern art... if you didn't have a million or a few to invest, you weren't welcome there.

But it wasn't until October 19 of that year that I discovered how smart this guy really was. Maybe you can guess:

My boss got his "high-net-worth" clients 100% out of the market and into cash and treasuries in August. No one lost a dime in the October 1987 crash!

The guy's a hero, right? Well, let's just say we had a difference of opinion on that matter. You'll need to hear the full story before you decide who was right.

But for now, just know that I crammed my new finance degree in a box and stormed out, chucking the business of "giving advice" for good. Or so I thought at the time.

In fact, my exile lasted 15 years.

Until an unusual gentleman and extraordinary investor lured me
back into the fold...

That gentleman was Motley Fool co-founder Tom Gardner -- the same fellow who introduced me to the unusual opportunity (some call it the NEXT Intel) you'll hear more about in just a moment.

Of course, I'd seen Tom's books in the store. I'd seen Tom and his brother David in their silly hats on CNBC and CNN... heard their weekly radio show. I'd even checked out their popular website along with millions of other investors.

But by April 2002, I'd been around. I was skeptical. You see, after ditching the "advice business," I spent years working closely with Wall Street's top money managers, many who managed billions of dollars.

Some of these guys paid thousands of dollars per month for research from my team and yet 80% still didn't consistently beat the market and make enough money for their clients to justify the outrageous fees they charged.

I witnessed a lot of fancy investment strategies and complex models firsthand. Frankly, I had my doubts that anybody could beat the market. Especially "The Motley Fool crowd."

So, you can imagine my surprise when David and Tom Gardner asked me to help them launch Motley Fool Stock Advisor -- their first investment newsletter in a decade. I took the bait.

Why? For the same reason I volunteered to reach out to you in the midst of this latest crisis. After meeting them in person, I sensed they were on to something special...

Something that can help hardworking folks like us come back from this difficult setback

Remember, that was 2002. One of the nastiest markets in history... David and Tom were among the few "advisors" on the scene NOT scaring investors with dire predictions about the grim future for investors...

They weren't interested in grabbing the spotlight with market calls. Or rushing their readers into cash or gold. No, David and Tom Gardner were still upbeat and 100% focused on the long-term prospects for investors like us.

They never lost sight of the fact that, for investors like you and me saving for retirement, "the best time to invest in the world's top companies is always RIGHT NOW."

Frankly, I admired their moxie in the face of such widespread negativity. The more I thought about it, the more I knew deep down that these were the guys who could help me recover from the painful bear market.

And NOT by dumping what was left of my portfolio at the bottom. Much less buying gold bars and stashing them in some rural bank in Canada. Rather by sticking to a disciplined plan of investing in America's best businesses -- and buying MORE, not less -- when they are on sale. Companies like...

Activision recommended in March 2003 -- up 436%

Amazon recommended in October 2002 -- up 366%

Quality Systems recommended in April 2003 -- up 757%

Or like the upstart media powerhouse you'll also hear about just ahead. It's up an astonishing 597% since David Gardner first told me about it in July 2002. If we'd taken David's advice and invested $10,000, we'd have more than $69,000 right now.

Just imagine turning a $10,000 investment into a serious sports car... or a down payment on a vacation home... or three years of college tuition -- and in just 6 years. (Believe me, I think about it almost every day.)

And this might really surprise you: Of the 24 top stocks recommended in Stock Advisor that first year -- a gloomy year much like this one...

16 are (or were sold) in positive territory

6 have doubled in value or more

5 have tripled in value or more

On average, the companies David and Tom Gardner recommended that first year are STILL up 109%. Yes, even after a market sell-off that once again has U.S. investors questioning the wisdom of owning stocks for the long term.

So how'd they do it? Simply by identifying well-managed, financially sound companies with strong competitive advantages AND buying them while they were cheap. Companies exactly like the one I'm going to tell you about right now...

Will there ever be a NEXT Intel? And could this be it?

You've heard the slogan "Intel Inside." Sure, we all have. But did you ever consider how it came about and just how revolutionary it was when you first heard it?

It's a microprocessor, for Pete's sake... a tiny wafer we can't even see, touch, or hear -- yet so powerful we dig deep and pay up for one computer and turn up our nose at another.

Before Intel, nobody dreamed a market leader like Dell would feature another company's logo front and center on its top-of-the-line computers. But you see how it worked for them!

"Intel Inside" conveyed "speed, quality, reliability, even prestige."

That's the sort of "brand mystique" that makes investors fortunes... and why thousands of otherwise ordinary Intel investors banked their first million long ago.

OK, but can you really make that kind of money today? After all we've been through? Don't be too quick to answer. Even if you could earn half or a quarter as much, you'd still be interested, right? Well, read on, because here's your opportunity...

The "new" LOGO top manufacturers display proudly on their products, packaging, and marketing

My friend and colleague Tom Gardner told me to buy this new "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" stock in September 2006. It's already shot up 54% since then.

But Tom says the best stock has just begun its historic run. And he should know -- he's studied this phenomenon closely.

He calls it "customer facing," meaning simply that, like Intel, this company's NAME and LOGO are in the faces of consumers and factor directly into their decision to pay up for top-of-the-line products.

History shows time and again that if you can identify these rare situations and get invested ahead of the crowd, you vastly increase your odds of earning life-changing profits.

Tom Gardner's done it several times recently, with blowout results like...

Middleby in November 2003... up 236%
Buffalo Wild Wings in July 2004... up 192%
CNS Inc. in September 2003... Sold for a 235% gain

Tom also is on record recommending that we buy AOL (up 442%), Bed Bath & Beyond (up 1,000%), and Dell (up 852%)... back in July 1995!

Tom believes this new "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" stock could rack up similar gains. And that's because... Just like Intel...

This new "Brand-Inside-a-Brand's" cutting-edge technology helps drive a multibillion-dollar industry -- in this case, audio electronics and entertainment media.

Serious consumers and professionals actively seek out this brand wherever and whenever they listen to music, buy expensive audiovisual equipment, or even go to the movies.

Its name is synonymous with top-end, premium quality and performance. In fact, it's not only the industry standard... it's the GOLD standard.

But unlike Intel, I have every reason to believe this company almost certainly has its biggest gains ahead.

You see, with its massive $80 BILLION market cap, Intel's early investors are already rich. Their doubles and triples are mostly behind them.

But this NEW "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" company is still a fraction the size of Intel... with its doubles and triples yet to come.

Opportunistic investors like us could potentially land a fortune in windfall profits.

If you like, I'll tell you more about this amazing company, its patented technologies, and its staggering upside potential. Plus, exactly what you need to do to get your share of the profits.

But I've kept you in suspense long enough. It's time we addressed...

The REAL threat facing us right now

Earlier, I told you how my first boss hustled his high-net-worth clients out of the market and into cash just ahead of the 1987 crash. Here's why I say he was no hero...

Sure, he saved his clients -- most with 10-15 years until retirement -- a 20% short-term loss. But the market fully recovered in a matter of months and even posted a gain for the 12 months following the "crash."

Meanwhile, the "experts" laughed it up at us "Pollyanna Bulls"... declaring it was 1929 all over again... warning us about the next Great Depression. All year long these guys were calling us a bunch of chumps, running down the 1,001 reasons why nobody should trust "this rally"!

Sound familiar? Of course. Every single time stocks pulled back in 1991... 1994... 1995... and 1998, these same clowns were trotted out to remind us, "Don't trust this rally!"

And then there was 1979, the year BusinessWeek famously declared, "The Death of Equities." That was 30 YEARS AGO, for Pete's sake.

Or how about when Time magazine asked simply, "Is Capitalism Still Working?" That wasn't last Friday. It was April 21, 1980!

No wonder thousands of hardworking Americans... many, like my boss's clients in 1987, with only 10 or 15 years left until retirement... sold out at the bottom and missed out on the greatest period of wealth creation in history.

I hope you can see why I can't bite my tongue any longer...

If you're serious about saving and investing for a comfortable retirement, listening to this fear-mongering costs you money... just as it cost my boss's clients back in 1987. After all, his brilliant "market call" spared these folks a 20% haircut and maybe a stomachache.

But at what cost?

Do you think he got them back into best stocks right away? Of course not! No doubt some were so spooked, they stayed in cash and treasuries for years or fruitlessly tried to jump in and out of the market. And in so doing, they missed out on the greatest bull market in history -- and in my estimate, millions in lost profits.

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful."
                                    -- Warren Buffett

Now we hear the gloom and doom again. Only this time around, with everyone from Lou Dobbs to the White House chiming in, the rhetoric is reaching a fever pitch. Is it any wonder FEAR -- unbridled FEAR -- has taken hold of U.S. investors?

I say, "Hogwash!" I can't speak for you, but I've had enough of this monster-screaming and America-bashing. It's frankly dishonest and unproductive. But you don't have to take my word that being swayed by it is dangerous to your long-term wealth.

I'll prove it to you. The numbers speak for themselves...

Earlier, I mentioned that only six times in the history of the Conference Board have investors had anywhere near such a pessimistic outlook... well, just look how the market has responded following these episodes of extreme market panic...

Market Reaction to Extreme Panic

Now "bearish sentiment" sits at a whopping 70% -- and you have a very important choice to make... one that could forever alter the course of your financial future.

Of course, you can always just "play it safe" and sit on the sidelines...

But I have to warn you, this mistake could cost you a fortune. Perhaps you've seen this remarkable chart, created by data from Fidelity Investments. But I urge you to take a moment to look at it again...

$10,000 invested in S&P
Source: Fidelity Investments

This chart clearly shows how sitting out just the market's 10 best days can cut your portfolio in half.

And that's a modest $10,000 portfolio. You probably have much more set aside for yourself and your loved ones. So, you see how costly it can be to listen to these so-called advisors who claim they can help you time the market. Because the fact is they can't.

I learned that over 20 years in the business. But again, don't take it from me. Take it from John Bogle, legendary founder of Vanguard and the second legendary investor I mentioned earlier. Here's what he has to say about market timing...

"After nearly 50 years in this business, I do not know of anybody who has done it successfully and consistently. I don't even know anybody who knows anybody who has done it successfully and consistently."

Need more proof? For an article I published recently, I ran a few numbers on what would happen if we'd invested in select companies on the day I graduated from college in 1987.

If you had invested just $10,000 in the following companies, you'd have...

Intel... $188,000
Microsoft... $580,000
Apple... $70,000

Are those some remarkable examples? Sure. So let's dial it back a bit. What if you'd bought Johnson & Johnson? Hardly took a genius to buy J&J in 1987, right? Well, now you'd have nearly $118,000.

Or what if you'd simply bought the S&P 500 or the Dow instead? Your original $10,000 investment would still be worth just about $32,000.

Again, that's if you invested all your money in a plain-vanilla index fund in August 1987, JUST BEFORE the big market crash! And were forced to sell right now. In other words, in one of the worst-case scenarios imaginable.

I don't think I can stress this enough: As Peter Lynch points out, we won't be investing BEFORE the market crash. The crash has already happened.

So you're right to wonder: What happens next?

Of course, nobody knows the answer for certain, but we do know this much...

Bear markets occur on average every five years. They last about 15 months and set stock investors back on the order of 33%. Now consider...

On March 9, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was down more than 55% over the course of 17 months.

If nothing else, this tells me we're much nearer the bottom -- and the start of the next bull market -- than the doomsayers on TV would have us believe. And we know this, too...

Including dividends, U.S. stocks have returned on average 9.6% per year since 1926. And that's on average.

As Barron's columnist Gene Epstein points out in the rare rational piece I've read on the subject...

"With consistently strong performance over long periods, it stands to reason that below-par returns over 5-to-10-year intervals [yes, exactly as we've just experienced] would tend to be followed by MUCH BETTER returns over the subsequent 5-and-10-year intervals."

Epstein further points out that historically this has indeed been the case. Still not convinced?

A remarkable study conducted by Hartford Financial Services Group demonstrates how investors who buy U.S. stocks at times JUST LIKE THIS dramatically outperform those who sell... or even those who hold steady.

The Hartford study follows four groups of investors from 1968 through 2008, ranging from those investors...

Who flee to cash each time the market drops 10%

Who stand pat, and

Who BUY MORE when the market drops by 10%

According to the results, those who routinely sold after 10% downturns turned $10,000 into $277,000. Not bad. However, those who ADDED just $2,000 each of the five times the market dropped 10% did MUCH better than any other group.

Over the same period -- by investing an extra $2,000 during five "bear markets" -- these "opportunistic" investors turned a $20,000 total investment into an astonishing $621,000.

That's remarkable. And, amazingly, earning that extra return required no special training, inside information, or macro-economic insight. Rather, it means simply having the courage to buy hot stocks at times just like these.

Of course, you know you can do even better by investing -- not in the broader market -- but in America's best companies. Especially when the market gives you the rare opportunity to get them CHEAP.

Like the amazing "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" company I compared
to Intel earlier


So, let me tell you a little more about it...

The brilliant idea behind it was conceived by a precocious physics PhD from Stanford and Cambridge while meditating in India. (He still owns about $1.7 BILLION worth of stock investment!)

Sales for his remarkable little company are rocketing more than 20% per year... on amazing 34% margins. And with $580 million in the bank and virtually ZERO debt, the company is on its way to cementing its place as "Top Dog" in sound for digital cinema, particularly 3-D technology for theater operators.

Experts agree this will be a HUGE profit opportunity for any company nimble enough to wrest even a small share of this future mass market -- and this company is already the undisputed market leader.

But what really has Tom Gardner (and me) excited is the company's potential to reach hundreds of millions of new customers. Who will they be? You and me!

You see, the multiplex is just for starters. Home theaters, iPods, PDAs, and satellite car stereos... that's where the REAL money is. And this little company's patented technology is so powerful it could one day be used in virtually all of these products.

Once you combine this flood of untapped consumer demand with the hordes of legacy and loyal "professional" customers, you could easily have another Apple on your hands... another Dell (which made PCs available and affordable to all)... or, yes, another Intel.

Yet, despite its huge upside, Wall Street is sleeping on this amazing opportunity!

In fact, only a handful of analysts are currently on board. (Compare that to 31 analysts covering Intel and Apple... and 25 covering Dell.) There's a good reason for this...

It's a huge advantage for individual investors like you and me. It's something Tom Gardner looks for in every stock he recommends to Motley Fool members... and a big part of why his picks are outpacing the market by more than 24 percentage points.

Of course, you need the full story before you invest... preferably straight from Tom Gardner, the famous value investor who told me about it, himself. And getting it couldn't be easier for you.

I just forwarded Annie, my graphic designer, the final edits on a new special report.

It doesn't offer any bold predictions or market calls. Only timely opportunities -- each one passed on to me by Tom Gardner and his brother, fellow Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner, as their No. 1 Stock to Buy Now.

What's more, this report includes the name, stock symbol, and full, detailed stock write-up of Tom Gardner's No. 1 recommendation -- the unstoppable "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" company Tom compares to a young Intel and is convinced can double or even triple your initial investment.

I want you to have it FREE. You can even download it to your desktop instantly if you like. When you do, I'll also include the full write-up on Tom's brother David Gardner's top recommendation -- a tiny multimedia powerhouse that's revolutionizing a century-old industry...

Motley Fool co-founder David Gardner has recommended this remarkable company in Stock Advisor on THREE separate occasions!

I'll confess, when David first told me about this opportunity, it was trading at a fraction of what it costs today. Yet, as impressive as this stock has been in recent years, David believes it will continue to thump the market for years to come.

That's because, even after forking over the lion's share of the profits earned on its valuable intellectual properties, this company's still banked enough cash to pay down $151 million in debt in full, with plenty left over to buy back tons of stock and make individual investors like us extremely wealthy.

In fact, while I didn't invest when David first told me about this opportunity back in 2002, I did buy in September 2008 -- with the promise that I would hold for a minimum 5 years. That's true of all three opportunities you'll read about in this new report.

And right now, thanks to the market sell-off, you can get in for less than I paid. Yet, just as is the case with Tom's No. 1 pick, I'm convinced that the earlier you get in on this one, the better. Have a look...

And that's a modest $10,000 portfolio

As you can see, that's around 597% pure profit in six years -- far outpacing any stock in most investors' portfolios. Not to mention 99% of so-called alternative investments out there -- real estate, gold, natural resources, you name it.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Remember, up until now most of the profits earned on this company's copyrighted properties have been handed over to big-money backers. But according to David Gardner, who has been following the company closely for years, that's about to change.

In a recent interview, the company's co-chairman revealed that the company plans to apply the inside knowledge learned over seven years of making billions for other companies... and take over the full production itself.

You can see how this represents an epic shift in the company's already super-high-margin, cash-generating business model -- an extremely profitable shift!

One that, in the words of the company's co-chairman, will allow the company, and us as investors, to "capture more of the profit with little financial risk, since others are providing most of the needed capital."

Hold on. Did he say others will pony up the capital? You bet!

You see, this company's 100% success rate over the past five years paved the way for an extremely favorable financing arrangement. Put plainly, the up-front production money won't have to be repaid unless the projects are successful -- not a single penny.

Yet, only a handful of "big" investment houses are onto this gold mine. And those who do "cover" the best stock have it all wrong. That's something David Gardner looks for in every stock he recommends to Motley Fool Stock Advisor members.

But don't expect Wall Street to sleep on this story for long. This remarkable company is on a roll -- and recently capped a string of global "product" launches with an achievement NEVER BEFORE SEEN in one of America's most storied industries.

That's why I want to rush you a FREE copy of a new special report that reveals the full details on this great growth opportunity

With your permission, I'd like to rush you a free copy of "3 Top Stocks to TRIPLE Our Money in the Next 5 Years."

Though remember, you WON'T get any bold predictions or wild market calls. Just timely investment ideas you can act on right now before the market rebounds -- including the name, stock symbol, and full write-up on David Gardner's top recommendation, the unstoppable "Multimedia Powerhouse" we just discussed.

Ready to get started? You can claim your FREE report and lock in the lowest price offered on Motley Fool Stock Advisor right this minute. Simply click here now to get started.

Want to know more before you send for your FREE report and get your hands on Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner's stock market research? Fair enough.

Let me tell you a little about David and Tom Gardner. How I've seen them work. And my personal theory on how they defy the odds and continue to find stocks that help their subscribers trounce the market.

David Gardner is a dedicated growth investor with a now-legendary track record. He keeps his eyes peeled for those rare companies with a paradigm-shifting product or service.

Companies like AOL in 1994 and Amazon in 1997.

David recommended both of those hot stocks. In the years listed above. Those who took his recommendations turned $10,000 investments into $340,000 and $274,000!

Tom Gardner -- who also has a remarkable track record of success -- prefers to dig into a company's financials a little more. He fully examines the company's books. He burrows deep into the numbers... digging out hidden liabilities... and sometimes finding hidden assets the companies and Wall Street never seemed to know about.
And you know what?

Both approaches work together, and both approaches have a place
in your portfolio

David has hit some legitimate home runs for subscribers of Motley Fool Stock Advisor -- like 242% gains in Priceline.com... 206% gains in GameStop... and 435% in Activision Blizzard.

Meanwhile, Tom has rapped out a steady string of base hits. Which isn't to say that Tom hasn't hit his share of home runs, too. Tom recommended Quality Systems -- up 756%... Affiliated Managers Group -- up 224%... and LabCorp of America -- up 85%!

Consider, just $5,000 invested in each of these stocks would be worth more than $65,000 in 6 years -- not bad for a "boring" value investor.

How would you like to have hot stocks like these in your portfolio? Sizzling growth companies from David. And strong, steady performers from Tom. Heck, WHY NOT GET BOTH?

Here's how you can position yourself BEFORE the market's next big move...

I'd like to give you David and Tom Gardner's new report FREE, including the full details on Tom Gardner's No. 1 pick, the "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" company that's following in the profitable footsteps of Intel.

Plus, the unstoppable "Multimedia Powerhouse" that's shaking up one of America's oldest and most storied industries -- and that David Gardner has recommended on three separate occasions.

You'll also get all the details on a third breakout company that both David and Tom think could TRIPLE your money over the next five years and beyond.

And unlike so many of those guys you see barking out buy/sell advice on TV, I'm not asking you to consider doing anything I wouldn't do myself.

I own all three top stocks in my own account and have no intention of selling. In fact, I agreed to hold them for a minimum of five years.

In return I ask that you simply agree to sample David and Tom Gardner's stock research risk free for one year. That way you'll get the inside story on all of the incredible companies David and Tom Gardner are recommending... experience the one-of-a-kind Motley Fool investors' community... and position yourself to make some serious profits!

It's easy to do. Especially with the HALF-PRICE offer David and Tom have agreed to let me extend to you today...

Take 50% off your membership today and you still receive all this...

Of course, you'll get prompt access to David and Tom Gardner's new report, "3 Stocks to TRIPLE Our Money in 5 Years!"

You'll also get full access to the Stock Advisor password-protected website, where you can check out David and Tom's interactive scorecard, revealing the performance of every past and current Stock Advisor pick.

Then, every month you're a Stock Advisor member, you'll receive the Motley Fool Stock Advisor advisory letter in the mail. You'll even be alerted by email the moment it is available online, so you can access it instantly.

Each Stock Advisor issue reveals not one but two TOP stocks -- handpicked and thoroughly researched by Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner -- that are poised to CRUSH the S&P 500 over the next three years.

You also get the full rationale behind every recommendation, including any potential risks, so you'll have everything you need to make your own sound investment decisions.

Plus, when you join the Stock Advisor community without risk today, you'll also receive these features, benefits, and bonuses that are sure to make you a more successful investor:

Monthly issues featuring Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner's Top Picks of the Month; updates on past recommendations; a clear discussion on the most important elements of successful investing; and plenty of competitive jousting in the Dueling Fools column -- two brothers who want to outdo each other in every profitable recommendation they make for you!

Weekly updates and alerts via email keep you abreast of changes in David's and Tom's advice and keep you squarely on track to build real and lasting wealth! At Stock Advisor, we leave nothing to chance...

24/7 website access for members only: You can read the current newsletter issue as soon as we write it; research back issues; browse our ongoing question & answer section -- anytime you want! Plus, access special reports, interviews, past picks, and latest performance data in the full catalog of Motley Fool Stock Advisor issues...

Online discussion boards for members only, with access to the Stock Advisor team of experts...

I've been told by some subscribers that Motley Fool Stock Advisor is like an investment university. It's certainly an active community of smart investors. You can join David and Tom -- and your fellow members -- online in spirited discussions. Or you can sit back and simply follow the wealth-building recommendations...

Most important, you won't be whipsawed by dire warnings and wild promises...

And that means -- as we already got a glimpse of this week -- you won't risk missing out on the best stocks and the market's best-performing days, when your account value surges ahead!

Remember, as important as what you get with Stock Advisor is what you DON'T get. I've personally subscribed to dozens of investment newsletters over the years.

I've seen how they come at you with laundry lists of model portfolios, sector calls, and rapid-fire hot stock tips. Or worse, macro predictions of $5 gasoline, skyrocketing interest rates, and rampant inflation.

And in so doing, they methodically ROB US investors of millions in profits!

Plus, who wants to spend hours wading through tedious details? What if you're just looking to position yourself for long-term gains -- in just a few minutes a month?

What if, like me, you're looking for honest, independent stock advice to help you become a better investor? Advice that puts you in the best companies at bargain prices... and helps you safely and steadily accumulate real wealth over time.

Well then, Stock Advisor is for you.

Add it all up and your special discounts and FREE gifts (including the valuable prompt-action bonus described below) total more than $200... but you won't pay $200 to join. Not even half that. And as you're about to see, you don't risk a single penny.

Of course, I insist that the risk is all mine

I want you to benefit from all the recommendations and investing advice that Motley Fool Stock Advisor has to offer -- WITHOUT ANY RISK WHATSOEVER. Here's how it'll work...

You can tell me to send your money back, up to the last day of your first month. And I'll give you a COMPLETE REFUND -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

David and Tom Gardner's new report, "3 Stocks to TRIPLE Our Money in 5 Years" -- revealing the "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" company Tom Gardner compares to the next Intel -- is yours to keep.

As are all the details on the "Multimedia Powerhouse" -- the amazing tiny company that David Gardner has recommended to Motley Fool Stock Advisor members on three occasions.

Plus all the content you can access on the Stock Advisor members-only website: all the reports... all the recommendations of the past issues... all the articles full of proven investing lessons... plus the fast-action bonus detailed below -- are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS.

Finally, if you'd rather not continue receiving Stock Advisor at any point after your first month, I'll gladly send you the full dollar value of the remainder of your membership term!

Of course, this kind of guarantee makes it possible to snap up everything and pay nothing. But that's okay with me because that's how confident I am that David's and Tom's advice will help you build your wealth not just this year, but for many years to come.

PLUS, act now and you'll also receive one of the most valuable special reports we've ever put together here at The Motley Fool -- ABSOLUTELY FREE! Have a look...

Join right now and get Stocks 2009: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead ($99 value) -- FREE!

Here's one more reason why your timing simply couldn't be better. The Motley Fool just put the finishing touches on its widely read annual report highlighting the very best stocks for the coming year, selected for you by some of the nation's top independent equity analysts.

It's called Stocks 2009: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead and is the very latest in a long-running series considered by many to be the definitive annual resource for market-beating stock ideas.

In all, you get 9 handpicked investment ideas expected by The Motley Fool's top analysts to deliver outsized stock market profits in 2009, including...

A global entertainment powerhouse that has "thrived through every business cycle imaginable." Tom Gardner believes investors who get in right now can see 20% annualized returns over the next five years -- at least!

An industrial juggernaut averaging 25% gains per year since 1991. In a dreadful market, this company increased revenues 32% in the latest quarter. Global investing guru Tim Hanson thinks it's worth twice its current price!

An under-the-radar oil play dividend expert James Early calls the "best way to hit the mother lode." This company counts international oil giants like Aramco and Petroleos Mexicanos among its top clients, and the orders keep pouring in.

Those are just three of the amazing profit opportunities you'll discover the instant you download your FREE copy of Stocks 2009: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead. 

Combined with the lessons, strategies, and uncommon market wisdom you'll receive as a member of Motley Fool Stock Advisor, the 9 top stock ideas in this exhaustive equity research report set you up with just about everything you need to make this the year you BEAT UP on the market once and for all.

And remember, I want you to have this $99 value FREE. Simply for agreeing to sample David and Tom Gardner's Motley Fool Stock Advisor today!

Join today and profit from David and Tom Gardner's Stock Advisor for a full year and take 50% off our regular membership price

That's right, when you join through this email today, you can knock $100 OFF the top.

However, as with any truly remarkable offer -- this ONE is only available for a limited time.

I can only guarantee you everything I've promised you today -- a FREE copy of 3 Hot Stocks to TRIPLE Our Money in 5 Years, plus Stocks 2009, plus the special fast-action BONUS detailed below (an $87 value!) -- if you join David and Tom Gardner right now AND you join through this email.

Just remember, David and Tom Gardner don't invest in "the market" -- they don't even invest in stocks, per se. That's because they know that the surest way to safely build real wealth is to invest in great companies at great prices.

And stay invested, too!

Think about it -- you'll be getting great growth companies for your portfolio from two of the best stock pickers working today. And you can get started profiting RIGHT AWAY with all three opportunities we've been talking about today.

I've shared some secrets with you today...

Including my first encounter with the financial services industry and my contribution to a Wall Street money machine that doesn't put hardworking investors first.

Thank you for bearing with me for one last revelation. I didn't buy a company called Quality Systems when Tom Gardner first recommended it in Stock Advisor back in March 2003. That's forgivable, I guess.

But I also didn't buy when Tom RE-recommended it in April 2003. Now I know better.

Since Tom first told us about it, it's up 653%. Since Tom RE-recommended Quality Systems, it's up 756%!

If I'd put just $5,000 in that one... already, I'd be sitting on $40,000-plus.

Yes, I blew it! But I won't make that mistake again. I recently invested $20,000 of my own hard-earned money in the three stocks you'll read about in your new report -- and promised to hold all three a minimum 5 years.

That's how confident I am in the quality of David and Tom Gardner's research. And how eager I am for you to join me and take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime buying opportunity.

You're mere seconds away from getting all the details on the amazing "Brand-Inside-a-Brand" company Tom thinks can triple our money...

Plus the unstoppable "Multimedia Powerhouse" -- David Gardner's three-time recommendation and No. 1 pick for new money right now.

Even more valuable, you get the courage and support you need to resist the doomsayers in the financial media and stay in the market where you belong.

The Death of Equities?

Give me a break! The first time that dire warning rang out, I was playing junior varsity basketball!

Investors who BOUGHT that day earned 9.5% per year over the next 10 years...

And that's BEFORE we launched into the great bull market of the '90s!

When the dust settles, this latest bear market won't cost individual investors like us millions, either... but sitting out the next bull market almost certainly will.

I've seen it happen with my own eyes. As I imagine you have, too.

That's why Warren Buffett loaded up his personal portfolio with U.S. stocks last October and has repeatedly warned investors...

"Clinging to cash equivalents at present yields is almost certainly a terrible policy if continued for long."

Yes, that's the REAL threat to wealth right now -- giving up on your dreams and clinging to cash.

Promise me you'll remember that the next time some loudmouth on TV tries to scare you into giving up on stocks for the long term.

Even better, join Motley Fool co-founders David and Tom Gardner (and me) at Motley Fool Stock Advisor at half-price today. 

Together, we can turn Panic 2008 into PROFIT 2009!

And remember, the risk is all mine. You have my word on that.

So, please don't put this off another day, and let's make some money.

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